Wednesday, November 12, 2008

He stutters, and his hands are sweaty

But at least he isn't a groper, and he has the most charming blinkiness of any academic. And unlike the big goyish date, he didn't insist on Chinese food.

Family in Israel, That's a plus, who'd want to have his mom any closer. And he's rather tasty, especially if viewed from the rear. Not big, but oh man, that tight little.....

Well, he IS nice. But I don't think this will work out. A week ago he managed to break his glasses holding the door for me. And this evening he stumbled over his coat. He had draped it over the chair when he sat down, it slipped, and when he got up he tripped over it and nearly careened into a waiter.

He's fun to watch, and he's funny. But clutzy much. I don't think this is going to work.

Besides, he doesn't quite seem to understand the anti-Israel dynamic in the Bay Area. He thinks that if we all just act mellow and ignore it, the nuts will go away. He just doesn't get that Californians have internalized the fantasy victim-hood of the Palestinians, and think of Jews as big bad muscle bound hulks kicking sand into the eyes of their victims.

We'll see what happens. I've never dated a man who is shorter than me before.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I stuttuttutter and my hands are sweweweatty too!

How come you aren't dating me!

I'm not Jewish, but I play one on the support center help-line!

---Grant Patel

Anonymous said...

And thanks for posting the link to Lula Lu Bras and Lingerie. I shall be examing their chosen subject in great detail, convinced as I am that there are clues within.

We must examine all the evidence.

---Grant Inspector-saheb Patel

Suzycat said...

Grant, you're some kind of pervert, aren't you?

Welcome to my blog anyhow. And keep it clean.

Anonymous said...

Clean? No problem. I can discuss any amount of lingerie while keeping it clean. I am purely intellectual in my approach.

---Grant Patel

The back of the hill said...

I'm pretty sure that Grant is somekind of pervert. COnvinced of it, in fact (hi Grant!).

His comments these last few months leave me no other option than to consider him a danger to girls, small furry animals, and feminine underwear.

His heart is in the right place though, even if his mind is often in the gutter. Or, judging by how many of his comments have mentioned animals, a zoo.

Anonymous said...

Well, so long as Grant is kind to cats, he's OK by me.

Suzycat said...

Grant, how are you with cats? We really need to know before this goes any further.