Monday, September 1, 2008


High holy days, trip back east. Abba is getting stranger. Instead of looking for the trophy wife he's entitled to after mom left, he's going all religious. Or scholarly. I guess that's what you call it when you trip over a stack of seforim on the hallway floor when you're getting a glass of milk at three in the morning.

Those were his 'get-rid-ofs'. I told him that no one wants used artscroll, just donate them to the shul or the library. He thinks that if he sells them, someone who was looking all of their lives for some of those books will find them and be delighted.

Yeah. Right.

Went out with Jack's brother's room mate in the first week, before flying back. He's fun, and those eyes oh man! But if he thinks he's really straight, he's fooled himself. Still, I could get used to being a fag hag and squiring around a fay gallant. It keeps the local football fans from getting too close.

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