Friday, February 20, 2009


Another blogger has asked me to post a link regarding Dutch news giving a slanted view of the recent Israeli actions in Gaza. The facts show that the NOS ("Nederlandse Omroep Stichting") deliberately distorted the news and ommitted crucial details, thus making Israel seem heavy-handed and vicious, with neither cause nor valid reason for waging war on Hamas.

Hell, this probably also describes the BBC and several other news organizations. Painting everything black and white is so much easier than providing balance, and it is much simpler to always make Israel the bad guy.


English excerpts of report:

Dutch original:

The facts speak for themselves. And it isn't surprising, in light of such biased reportage, that being Jewish in Europe is more exciting than ever before.

1 comment:

GRANT!PATEL! said...

I have a new post. Most obliged if comments.